सोमवार, 21 जनवरी 2013

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q-81-100)

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q-81-100)
Q.81. The Register of Retrenchments should be maintained at a Disbursing Office
           in the form........:
Ans.   (a) ACG-60*                  (b) ACG-65                   (c) ACG-63            (d) ACG-67

Q.82. Cycle Advance is admissible to a Government servant whose Grade Pay does
           not exceed Rs......:
Ans.   (a) Rs. 1800/-                 (b) Rs.1900/-             (c) Rs. 2400            (d) Rs. 2800*

Q.83. Who is the competent authority to sanction Cycle Advance to Mail Guard?
Ans.   (a) Sub Record Officer                                            (b) Head Record Officer
           (c) Postmaster General                                         (d) Divisional Head*    

गुरुवार, 17 जनवरी 2013

House Rent Allowance Rules(Q)

House Rent Allowance Rules(Q)

House Rent Allowance Rules(Q)

House Rent Allowance Rules(Q)

House Rent Allowance Rules(Q)

House Rent Allowance Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q)

Joining Time Rules(Q.1-20)

Joining Time Rules(Q.1-20)

Q.1. Joining time admissible for temporary transfer under Rule-4(1) of Joining time Rules is-
Ans. (a) 12 days                  (b) 1 day                       (c) 10 days                 (d) Not admissible


Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q.1-20)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q.1-20)

Q.1. Conveyannce Allowance is granted if average running km on duty per month is more than-
Ans. (a) 300 km                 (b) 500 km                       (c) 200 km                 (d) 100 km

Q.2. When is the Government servant deemed to have relinquished the claim for TA-
Ans. (a) If the claim is not preferred within six months from the date it became due.
        (b) If the claim is not preferred within one month from the date it became due.
        (c) If the claim is not preferred within two years from the date it became due.
        (d) If the claim is not preferred within one year from the date it became due.

Q.3. How the grade of a Government servant in transit between two posts is reconed for TA claim?
Ans. (a) The Government servant ranks in higher grade of the two posts.
        (b) The Government servant ranks in lower of the two grades.
        (c) Eligibilty depends on the date of submission on TA claim.
        (d) None of these

Q.4.  Conveyance Allowance will not be admissible during.......................:
        (A) Joining time and leave  
        (B) Periods of temporary transfers
        (C) Period of more than 15 days at a time when the motor car is not maintained or is in repair or
              not used :
Ans. (a) (A) only              (b) (B) only                  (c) (C) only           (d) All of the above occasssions

Q.5. What is the eligibilty of transfer grant for a Government official if the transfer to a new station is
        less than 20 kms and transfer involves change of residence?
Ans. (a) No transfer grant is admissible          
       (b) Half of the Composite transfer grant is admissible
       (c) Full composite transfer grant is admissible
       (d) One third composite transfer grant is admissible

Q.6. How to regulate the claim of a retiredGovernment servant for advance of TA for journey after
Ans. (a) The advance of TA can be allowed.                
        (b) The advance of TA cannot be  allowed.
        (c) The advance to the extent of fifty percent of the cost of journey can be allowed.
        (d) Advance of of TA can be allowed only under special circumstances.

Q.7. How is the Daily Allowance regulated for continuous halt in tour station?
Ans. (a) Full Da is admissible for 180 days and no DA is admissible thereafter
        (b) Full DA is admissible for 90 days and half DA for the next 90 days and no Da thereafter
        (c) Full Da is admissible for 90 days and no DA thereafter
        (d) Full DA is admissible for 90 days and half DA for next 60 days and no DA thereafter


CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q.1-20)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q.1-20)

Q.1. Mr.X retired from service on superannuation on 31.05.2010, pending desciplinary
        proceedings under Rule 14 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965, for causing great loss to
        the Department. The departmental proceedings concluded on 15.01.2011 and
        the Appointing Authority ordered Pension Disbursing Authority to withhold
        30% of the pension until further order:
Ans. (a) Appointing Authority can independently pass such an order
        (b) Appellate Authority can pass such order
        (c) Such orders will have to be passed only in the name of President
        (d) Appointing Authority can pass such order with the approval of the
              Appellate Authority.

Q.2. Provisional pension should be paid-
       (a) Always only in person
       (b) Always be remitted by MO/Bank draft at the cost of pensioner
       (c) Can be remitted at Government expense if the provisional is not exceeding
             thousand rupees exclussive of the amount of relief. .
       (d) Can be remitted by Money Order at Government expense on request of pensioner,
             subject to  certain conditions.

Q.3. While calculaing qualifying service, the net qualifying service of a Government servant
         comes to 24 years and 10 months, it will be rounded off to-
Ans. (a) 50 six monthly periods                                      (b) 49 six monthly periods  
        (c) 48 six monthly periods                                      (d) 51 six monthly periods

Q.4. Which interruption shall entail forfeiture of past service?
Ans. (a) Dismissal of Government servant from service
        (b) Joining time while on transfer from post to another
        (c) Suspension where it is immediately followed by reinstatement
        (d) Authorised leave of absence

Q.5. Comment whether the action is in order. It is noticed by the pension sanctioning
         authority that a balance of Rs.5000/- to be recovered from the Government
         servant towards Court attachment.Hence the same is ordered to be recovered
         from the retirement gratuity.
Ans. (a) The action is not in oirder as retirement gratuity is not liable for attachment.
        (b) The action is in order as it is in compliance of a court order
        (c) The authority should have referred the case to Director of Accounts (Postal)
        (d) None of these

Q.6. Which rule of CCS(pension) Rules,1972 deals with retirement by giving notice
        (Voluntary Retirement) on completion of 20 years' qualifying service?
Ans. (a) Rule- 48                 (b) Rule-48-B               (c) Rule-49                  (d) Rule- 48-A

Q.7. What is the notice period prescribed for voluntary retirement in CCS(Pension)
Ans. (a) Not less than three months                       (b) Not less than six months
        (c) Not less than 1 month                                (d) Not less than two months                        


Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Pay Rules

Q,1.  The rate of increment under CCS( Revised Pay) Rules,2008 is......:
Ans.  (a) 3%  of total of Band Pay and Grade Pay     (b) 3% of Band Pay
         (c) 3% of Grade Pay                                     (d) None of these         

बुधवार, 16 जनवरी 2013

CCS (Leave) Rules, (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q)

CCS (Leave) Rules (Q.1-20)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q.1-20)

Q.1.  The maximum period up to which Special Disability leave for injury intentionally inflicted can be
         sanctioned is-                                                                                                     (R.44)
Ans.  (a) 28 months      (b) 24 months*             (c) 12 months                 (d) 5 years

Q.2.  The maximum Maternity Leave admissible at a time is -                                             (R.43)
Ans.  (a) 180 days*        (b) 135 days               (c) 60 days                      (d) No limit

Q.3.  Which one of the following kinds of leave is not a recognised form of leave-      (Appendix-II)
Ans.  (a) Earned Leave  (b) Casual Leave*     (c) Commuted leave          (d) Half Pay Leave

Q.4.  Deduction of 1/10th of EOL availed during previous half year in case of advance credit of EL in
        following half year is subject to a maximum of:                                            [GID(2), R-27]
Ans. (a) 1/10th of EOL during previous half year (b) 15 days*  (c) 10 days (d) No limit

Q.5. The maximum days up to which Commuted Leave can be granted in continuation of ML is for a
        period of up to-                                                                                         [R.30(1-A)]
Ans. (a) 180 days*       (b) 90 days                 (c) 60 days                       (d) 120 days

Q.6. Full time Casual Labours with temporay status are eligible for ................ :       [Appendix-I(D)]
Ans. (a)Maternity Leave*(b) Earned Leave        (c) Half Pay Leave            (d) Commuted Leave

Q.7. Balance of this kind of leave shall be carried forwrd to next year/half year:
Ans. (a) EXOL              (b) Study Leave          (c) Half Pay Leave           (d) None of these

Q.8. In case of availing Child Care Leave, the age of dependant disabled children is up to :
Ans.(a) 18 years            (b) 25 years                (c) No limit                     (d) 22 years

Q.9. While on Hospital Leave for first ....... days, leave salary equal to Leave salay while on Earned
       Leave is given.
Ans. (a) 120 days          (b) 24 months             (c) 180 days                   (d) No limit

Q.10 The maximum period up to which Hospital Leave in combination with any other kind of leave can
        be sanctioned for-                        
Ans. (a) 24 months        (b) 12 months             (c) 5 years                      (d) 28 months

Q.11.Maximum amount of continuous leave which can be availed with sanction of President of India in
        exceptional circumstances is :
Ans. (a) 180 days          (b) 1 year                   (c) 5 years                       (d) No limit


Citizen's Charter (Q.1-20)

Q.1.  On what date, we celebrate "World Consumer Right Day"?
Ans. (a) 15 March*     (b) 15 August         (c) 02 October      (d) 14 November

Q.2.  Normally the minimum distance between two letter boxes is kept at
          ......... in urban area.
Ans. (a) 0.5 Km*         (b) 1.0 Km              (c) 2.0 Km             (d) None of these   

Q.3.  There are more than ............. letter boxes in India.
Ans.  (a) 3,00,000         (b) 4,00,000            (c) 6,00,000*         (d) None of these 

Q.4.  Normally the minimum distance between two letter boxes is kept at ..........
         in rural area.
Ans.  (a) 0.5 Km           (b) 1.0 Km*            (c) 2.0 Km             (d) None of these 

Q.5. What is the delivery Standard for mails and parcels for delivery between Inter 
        Metro City, within town/city/districts?
Ans. (a) 1 day               (b) 2 days*              (c) 3 days               (d) None of these

Q.6.  What is the delivery Standard for mails and parcels for delivery between Inter 
         State Capitals, within state?
Ans.  (a) 1 day              (b) 2 days                (c) 3 days*             (d) None of these

Q.7.  What is the Delivery Standard for Inter state mails and parcels?
Ans.  (a) 1-2 day           (b) 2-3 days             (c) 3-5 days*          (d) None of these

Q.8.  There are ............ Customer care centres in Department of Posts are functioning 
          in  India.
Ans.  (a) 1000               (b) 1116*                  (c) 1215                 (d) 1325  

Q.9.  The time frame for settlement of complaints is ............... from the date of receipt 
          of complaint.
Ans.  (a) One month    (b) Two months*      (c) Three months    (d) None of these

Q.10. What is the time normfor counter service including SB deposit, withdrawal and 
           updation of  passbook?
Ans.  (a) 2 Minutes      (b) 3 Minutes            (c) 5 Minutes*         (d) 10 Minutes 

Q.11. Mission of India Post----
Ans.  (a) To sustain its position as largest postal network in the world touching the lives 
               of every in the country.
          (b) To provide the mail, parcel, money transfer and retail services with speed and 
          (c) To provide services to customers on value for money basis.
          (d) All of these*

Q.12. What is the service standard for counter service - opening and closing of SB account, 
           Issue and discharge of Savings Certificates? 
Ans. (a) 10 miutes       (b) 15 miutes*           (c) 20 minutes                 (d) 30 minutes

Q.13. What is the norm for delivery of letters, postcards, inland letter cards and speed 
           post articles deliverable in local and metro cities?
Ans.  (a) 2 days*          (b) 3 days                  (c) 4 days                        (d) 5 days

Q.14. What is the time norm for delivery letters, postcards, inland letter cards and speed 
           post articles deliverable in rest of India except local and metro cities?
Ans.  (a) 2-3 days         (b) 3-4 days               (c) 4-6 days*                 (d) 7 days    

Q.15. What is the time norm for delivery of registered letters/Insured, EPP, parcels, 
          Book Packets, Registered Newspapers etc. deliverable in local and between
          Metro Cities?
Ans.  (a) 2 days            (b) 3 days*                 (c) 4 days                       (d) 5 days

Q.16. What is the time norm for delivery of registered letters/Insured, EPP, parcels, 
          Book Packets, Registered Newspapers etc. deliverable in rest of India except 
          local and between Metro Cities?
Ans.  (a) 2-3 days            (b) 3-4 days            (c) 4-6 days                   (d) 5-7 days*

Q.17. The service stanndard for delivery of International EMS articles is .............. days
          exclusive of time taken in customs examination.
Ans.  (a) 4-10 days*        (b) 3-5 days             (c) 2-5 days                  (d) 5-12 days

Q.18. What is the time norm prescribed for booking of iMO?
Ans.  (a) 5 minutes          (b) 10 minutes            (c) 15 minutes*           (d) 20 minutes

Q.19.   What is the time norm prescribed for payment of iMO?
Ans.  (a) 5 minutes on same day                        (b) 10 minutes on same day
          (c) 15 minutes on same day                     (d) 20 minutes on same day*

Q.20. What is the time standard for payment of Money Orders booked for local and
           between Metro Cities?
Ans.  (a) 1 day                 (b) 2 days                  (c) 3 days*                     (d) 4 days                                  

मंगलवार, 15 जनवरी 2013

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.141-160)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.141-160)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.121-140)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.121-140)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.101-120)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.101-120)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.81-100)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.81-100)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.41-60)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.41-60)

Q.41. The Appellate Authority under CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 can :
Ans.  (a) Confirm the penalty by the Disciplinary Authority
          (b) Enhance the penalty 
          (c) Set aside the penalty
          (d) All the above three actions*

Q.42. Under CCS(CCA) Rules, the power of review is vested in:-
Ans.  (a) Head of the Department                        (b) Appellate Authority
          (c) President*                                            (d) All the above

Q.43. The Disciplinary Authority can withhold any appeal in case:
Ans.  (a) English version is not appended           
          (b) No new event has been quoted by the official
          (c) The period for preferring appeal has expired 
          (d) The appeal may not be withheld in any case

Q.44. Which of the following penalties is not treated as Major penalties under
          CCS(CCA), Rules, 1965 ?
Ans.  (a) Recovery from the pay            (b) Reduction to a lower time scale 
          (b) Removal from service              (d) Compulsory retirement

Q.45. Which of the following is not a penalty within the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
Ans.  (a) Dismissal from service          
          (b) Censure
          (c) Non promotion of a Government servant in officiating capacity*
          (d) Withholding of promotion    
Q.46. Which of the following events is not fit for treating as "Dies Non"?
Ans.  (a) When the official remains absent from duty withoiut permission.
          (b) When on duty in the office, the offical leaves the office without
                proper permission
          (c) The official remains in the office, refuses to perform duty assigned to him
          (d) Late coming to office

Q.47. Which is the following cases is not fit for imposition of Major penalty under
          CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 against a Government servant?
Ans.  (a) Possession of dispropotionate assets
          (b) Obtaining illegal gratification
          (c) Mis-appropriation of Government property
          (d) Refusal of promotion*

Q.48. The Disciplinary Authority can appoint Presenting Officer to presnt the case
          on its behalf before the Inquiry Authority-
Ans.  (a) Any other Government servant             (b) A legal practioner
          (c) A retired official                                     (d) Any of the above (a) or (b)*      

Q.49  Ex-perte enquiry may be conducted in the following cases:-
Ans.  (a) The official remains absent from duty
          (b) The officialoverstays leave without permission and his movements are
                not known.    
          (c) The official fails to reply to official communications of Disciplinary
          (d) Any of the above*

Q.50. A Government servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension
          by an order of the Appointing Authority with effect from the date of his
          detention, if he is detained in custody, whether on a criminal cahrge or otherwise,
          or a period exceeding:-
Ans.  (a) Twelve hours                                          (b) Twenty four hours
          (c) Forty eight hours*                                  (d0 Three days

CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 (Q.21-40)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.21-40)

Q.21. The CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 shall apply to-
Ans.   (a) Every Government servant including every civilian Government servant in
                Defence Service.
           (b) Any Railway servant, as defined in Rule-102 of Vol.I of Indian Railways
                 Establishment Code.  
           (c) Any member of All India Service
           (d) None of these.   

Q.22. An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made, unless it is extended
          after review,shall be valid for a period of ........-
Ans.  (a) 60 days           (b) 90 days*            (c) 45 days                     (d) 30 days

Q.23. ............... is the Appellate Authority in respect of HSG-I Cadre for minor penalty.
Ans.  (a) DG Posts        (b) DPS*               (c) Divisional Head         (d) None of these

Q.24. .............. months is the time limit  for preferring revision application against
         the penalty order from the date of receipt by the Government servant to the
         appellate authority.
Ans.  (a) Three              (b) Four                   (c) Six*                          (d) No limit

Q.25. .............. is the Appointing Authority in respect of Assistant Manager, MMS.
Ans. (a) Head of the Circle     (b) DPS*       (c) Sr./Manager MMS    (d) None of these

Q.26. A penalty of recovery under Rule-11(III) of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 can be
          spread over, how   many years?
Ans.  (a) One year                                          (b) Two years                                                  
          (c) Three years                                     (d)  Till entire loss is recovered*

Q.27. In ...................... months, charge sheet may require to be issued  to Government
          servant from   the date of his suspension.
Ans.  (a) Three*        (b) Four                      (c) Five                              (d) Twelve

Q.28.  ......................... is the Appellate Authority in respect of Mail Guard in RMS
          for major penalty.
Ans.  (a) Head of the Division (b) DPS*      (c) Head Record Officer      (d) SRO

Q. 29. ...................... is the Appointing Authority for Postal Superintendent
           Group-B Cadre.
Ans.  (a) Head of the Circle     (b) DG, Posts* (c) CPMG    (d) None of these

Q. 30. ................... is the Disciplinary Authority in respect of LSG staff in RMS
          for imposing major  penalty.
Ans.   (a) Head of the Circle                              (b) Director Postal services
           (c) Head Record Officer                          (d) None of these

Q. 31. The competent authority may vary the amount for any period exceeding
           the first three months as  follows-
Ans.   (a) May be increased or decreased or allowed to remain unaltered
           (b) Cannot be allowed to remain unaltered
           (c) Can only be increased
           (d) None of these
Q.32.  Duringg the enquiry, the Inquiry Officer should follow the prescribed
           procedure of -------
Ans.   (a) Insspection of original records produced in support of the charges
           (b) Examination and cross-examination of witnesses
           (c) Both the above
           (d) None of these

Q.33. Who will take decision whether the charges have been established before
          passing final order?
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority                                 (b) Inquiry Officer
          (c) Presenting Officer                                         (d) None of these

Q.34. Under what conditions the charge of head quarters of a suspended officer
          can be oredered?
Ana.  (a) Inthe interest of public service (b) At the request of the suspended office
          (c) In both the above cases            (d) None of these

Q.35. If an order of suspension is passed by an authority lower than the appointing
          authority that authority will report the circumstances in which the order was
Ans.  (a) To the Appointing Authority  (b) To the Appellate Authority
          (c) To the Reviwing Officer          (d)To all the above

Q.36. Why the Inquiry Officer's report should be examined by the competent
          Disciplinary Authority?
Ans.  (a) To take a dicision whether the charges have have been established
          (b) Whether the recommendations of the Inquiry Officer shold be accepted
          (c) Whether he should give its own findings
          (None of these

Q.37. The authorities competent to imposepenalties on member of Group'B',
          'C' and 'D' services are mentioned in-
Ans.  (a) Schedules to the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965
          (b) Rule-11 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965
          (c) Rule-12 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965        
          (d) None of these

Q.38. Who will submit a report to the Disciplinary Authority discussing all
          the evidences and giving his findings on each charge separately after
          completion of enquiry?
Ans.  (a) The Presenting Officer                (b) The accused officer
          (c) The Inquiry Officer                     (d) the Investigating Officer

Q.39. The status of the Inquiry Officer should not in any case be lower than
           that of whom?  
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority              (b) Inquiry Officer
          (c) Presenting Officer                      (d) None of these

Q.40. Who will have the right to examine the accused officer?
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority              (b) Inquiry Officer
          (c) Presenting Officer                      (d) None of these

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.1-20)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.1-20)

Q.1. A Government servant under suspension is entitled to :
Ans. (a) Leave salary equal to leave salarynon half pay (b) Ex-gratia payment
         (c) Subsistence Allowance                                      (d) All of above

Q.2. In an inquiry under Rule-14 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 who will have 
        the right to examine the charged officer?
Ans. (a) Disciplinary Authority                   (b) Presenting Officer  
         (c) Inquiry Officer                                (d) None of these
Q.3.  Any failure in due observance of the procedure as laid down in the 
         CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 is liable to vitiate ........................:
Ans. (a) Disciplinary proceedings                  (b) Criminal proceedings 
         (c) Civil Proceedings                              (d) None of these

Q.4. Which article of the Constitution has necessarily to be studied 
        thoroughly by all the authorities who have been vested with 
        Disciplinary Powere?
Ans. (a) Article-272                                         (b) Article-319             
         (c) Article- 311                                        (d) None of these

Q.5. The status of the Inquiry Officer should not in any case be lower 
        than that of whom?
Ans. (a) Disciplinary Authority                        (b) Charged Offial        
         (c) Presenting Officer                                (d) None of these

Q.6. The circumstances under which a Government servant may be placed 
         under suspension are enumerated in the following rule-
Ans. (a) Rule-20 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965     
         (b) Rule-120 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965
         (c) Rule-16 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965                      
         (d) Rule-14 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965

Q.7. A Government servant under suspension has to produce the following 
       certificate for drawal of subsistence allowance during the period of suspension;
Ans. (a) Life certificate                                       (b) Non-employment
       (c) Residence certificate                               (d) All the above

Q.8. The CVC should be constituted inthe following cases-
       (a) In all cases relating to Gazetted officers   
       (b) In all cases relating to vigilence cases
       (c) In all vigilance cases relating to Gazetted officers    
       (d) In all the above cases

Q.9. When an a Government servant may be placed under deemed suspension?
Ans. (a) If he is detained in Police custody exceeding 48 hours 
         (b) While absconding
         (c) While unauthorisedly absent                                  
         (d) While undergoing major penalty

Q.10.The charged officer will be required to state categorically whether he pleads
          guilty to to any of
         the articles of charges:
Ans. (a) Before the start of the enquiry       (b) In the middle of the enquiry
        (c) At the end of the enquiry                (d) None of these

Q.11. Framing of charge s and issue  of a charge sheet may be for..............:
Ans.  (a) Major penalty only                       
          (b) minor penalty only
          (c) Either for minor penlty or for major penalty           
          (d) None of these

Q.12. The competent authority may vary the amount of subsistance allowance 
          for any period exceeding the first three months as follows:
Ans.  (a) May increase or decreaseor allow to remain unaltered 
          (b) Can only be decreased
          (c) Can only be increased                                         
          (d) None of these

Q.13. The rate of subsistance allowance payble to the suspended official is
          prescribed in:
Ans.  (a) FR-53                                 (b) FR-10        
          (c) FR-54                                 (d) Rule 10 of CCS(CCA) Rules

Q.14. Who will produce all State exhibits and also have all State witnesses examined
          in support of the charges during inquiry under Rule-14 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965.
Ans.  (a) Accused Officer                      (b) Presenting officer     
          (c) Inquiry officer                        (d) None of these

Q.15. Who will take decision whether the charge s have been established before
          passing final orders as  per CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority           (b) Inquiry Officer      
          (c) Presenting Officer                   (d) None of these

Q.16. Who should examine the Inquiry officer's report on its receipt from
          IO in the first instance?
Ans.  (a) The competent Disciplinary Authority (b) The Appellate Authority
          (c) Revisionary Authority                           (d) None of these

Q.17. Whether recovery of over-payment can bemade from subsistance allowance?
Ans.  (a) Yes, at the option of Government servant
          (b) Yes, at the discretion of the competent authority
          (c) It is mandatory
          (d) No

Q.18. How many stages are involved in a ddisciplinary case as per Postal Manual
Ans.  (a) One             (b) Two                  (c) Three                       (d) Four

Q.19. Subsistance Allowance of a non-gazatted official can be remitted by
Ans.  (a) Demand Draft                            (b) Cheque            
          (c) Service Money Orsder              (d) Pay Order        

Q.20. Where is the procedure to be followed in disciplinary cases against
          Government servant laid down i detail?
Ans.  (a) CCS(CCA) Rules                       (b) CCS(Conduct) Rules
          (c) Postal Manual Vol.II                 (d) None of these                    

सोमवार, 14 जनवरी 2013

CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.61-80)

         CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.61-80)

CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.41-60)

        CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.41-60)
Q.41. "The Government" means Central Government as per Rule-...... of CCS(Conduct) 
         Rules, 1964.: 
Ans.  (a) Rule-2(a)*           (b) Rule-1                 (c) Rule-3 (1)(i)               (d) Rule-3(1) (ii)

Q.42. As per Rule- 3-C of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 which of the following behaiour amounts to
         "Sexual harrasment of woman at her workplace"-
Ans.  (a) Demand or request for sexual favours.*   
        (b) Talking to women colleagues
        (c)  Helping woman in discharge of official duties 
        (d) Talking to woman clleagues over phone

Q.43. Applicability of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 which is discussed in Rule-....... of CCS(Conduct) 
         Rules, 1964 :
Ans.  (a) Rule-1*                (b) Rule-2                (c) Rule-3                        (d) Rule-4

Q.44. As per CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, a Government servant holding Group-A post can accept gifts
         worth Rs. ................../- on occassions such as weddings, anniverserires, funerals or other 
         religious functions:
Ans. (a) Rs.10000/-              (b) Rs. 8000/-            (c) Rs.7000/- *             (d) Rs. 4000/-

Q.45. Political neutrality is expected of a Government servant as per this rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules,
Ans.   (a) Rule-5*                (b) Rule-4(i)              (c) Rule-2(A)(b)               (d) Rule-8-B


CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.21-40)

CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.21-40)

Q.21. This Rule-............ CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 deals with "Promptnes and Courtesy":
Ans.   (a) Rule-2                (b) Rule- 3(1) (ii)                 (c) Rule-3-A*              (d) Rule-3-B

Q.22. This Rule ......... of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 speaks about interpretation of CCS(Conduct) 
Ans.  (a) Rule-31               (b) Rule-17                         (c) Rule-12                   (d) Rule-23*

Q.23. According to Rule ............ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, no Government servant shall
         speculate in any stock of shares, securities or other investments.:
Ans.  (a) Rule-10                (b) Rule-15(2)(c)                (c) Rule-5                    (d) Rule-16*

Q.24. Rule-........ of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about "Repeal and Saving".:
Ans.  (a) Rule-22                (b) Rule-25*                       (c) Rule-12                   (d) Rule-23

Q.25. "No Government servant shall employ to work any child below the age of 14 years" as per Rule-
         ............CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
Ans.  (a) Rule-18-A(b)        (b) Rule-22-A*                    (c) Rule-10                  (d) Rule-13-A

Q.26. Rule-18 of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with .....................:
Ans.  (a) Observance of Government policies                
         (b) Investment, lending and borrowing
         (c) Evidence before Committee or any other authority
         (d) Movable, immovable and valuable property*  

Q.27. "The Government", "Government servant", "Members of faamily" are defined in Rule-.... of
         CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964.:
Ans.  (a) Rule-2*               (b) Rule-1                               (c) Rule-3(1)(i)             (d) Rule-3(1)(ii)

Q.28. As per CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 permission inn connection with accepting of gifts may be
         assumed to have been granted if no communication is received within .......days.
Ans.   (a) 15 days              (b) 30 days*                           (c) 45 days                   (d) 60 days

Q.29. This Rule................. of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about "Demonstration and strike".:
Ans.  (a) Rule-6                 (b) Rule--4(i)                          (c) Rule-7*                   (d) Rule-8-B

Q.30. This Rule.......... of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant consuming
         intoxicating drinks and drugs.
Ans.   (a) Rule-22*            (b) Rule- 20                           (c) Rule-10                    (d) Rule-13-A

Q.31. Rule-1 of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with ........................:
Ans.  (a) Short title only                                     (b) commencement and application only 
         (c) Applicability only                                 (d) Short title, commencement and applications* 

Q.32. Rule............of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant making 
         investments, lending and borrowing:
Ans.  (a) Rule 10                (b) Rule 15(2) (c)                   (c) Rule-5                     (d) Rule-16*

Q.33. Rule-21 of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with -
Ans.  (a) Obsevance of Government policies                 (b) Investments, lending and borrowing
        (c) Restrictions regarding marriage*                (d) Insolvency and habitual indebtness

Q.34. The Rule ........ of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, speaks about a Government servant taking up 
         private trade or employment. 
Ans.  (a) Rule-15*             (b) Rule- 14                          (c) Rule-10                (d) Rule-13-A

Q.35. This Rule......................of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, speaks about a Government servant
         accepting "GIFTS":
Ans.   (a) Rule- 8                 (b) Rule-9                          (c) Rule-10                  (d) Rule-13*

Q.36. Delegations of power under  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 are discussed in ...............:
Ans.  (a) Appendix-II*        (b) Rule- 25                       (c) Rule-12                  (d) Rule-23

Q.37. "No Government  servant shall give, take or abet dowry" as per Rule.......... of  CCS(Conduct) 
         Rules, 1964.:
Ans.  (a) Rule-8                   (b) Rule- 9                         (c) Rule- 10                (d) Rule-13(A)(i)*

Q.38. This Rule of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964  speaks about vindication of acts and character of
          Government servant.    
Ans.  (a) Rule-3                   (b) Rule- 7                          (c) Rule-12                 (d) Rule-19*

Q.39. Rule-....... of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant givingevidence
         before Committee or any other authority. 
Ans.  (a) Rule-6                   (b) Rule- 4(i)                      (c) Rule-10*                (d) Rule- 3

Q.40. Rule-........ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about restrictions to a Government servant
         regarding marriage.:
Ans. (a) Rule-21*               (b) Rule- Rule-20                (c) Rule-10                   (d) Rule-13-A

CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 (Q.1-20)

CCS(Conduct) Rules(Q.1-20)
Q.1. Rule......... of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about Insolvency and habitual indebtness:
Ans. (a) Rule-10                     (b) Rule- 17*                    (c) Rule-5                     (d) Rule-16

Q.2. Rule...... of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964  speaks about a Government servant possessing movable, 
       immovable and valuable property: 
Ans. (a) Rule-10                      (b) Rule- 15 (2) (c)         (c) Rule-5                    (d) Rule-18*

Q.3. This Rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with "Obsevance of Government's policies": 
Ans. (a) Rule-2                        (b) Rule- 3(1) (ii)            (c) Rule-3-A(b)            (d) Rule-3-B* 

Q.4. In this part of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 the provision of corruption Act 1988 is reproduced:
Ans. (a) Appendix-IV*            (b) Rule-25                    (c) Rule-12                  (d) Rule-23

Q.5. Rule-13 A of CCS(Conduct Rules, 1964 deals with ............................:
Ans. (a) Observance of Government policies                                                      (b) Subsriptions
        (c) Evidence before Committee or any other authority                                 (d) Dowry*

Q.6. The conduct of a Government servant regarding raising of "Subscriptions" is discussed in rule ....
        of CCS(Conduct)Rules, 1964.
Ans. (a) Rule-6                       (b) Rule-4(i)                      (c) Rule-12*              (d) Rule- 8

Q.7. Any Government servant may give evidence in any judicial enquiry as per Rule..... of CCS
       (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
Ans. (a) Rule-6                       (b) Rule- 4(i)                     (c) Rule- 10(3)(b)*     ;(d) Rule- 8

Q.8. A Government servant, in the bona fide discharge of his official duties, can publish a book as per
Ans. (a) Rule- 6                      (b) Rule-4(i)                      (c) Rule- 7(i)               (d) Rule- 8(2)*

Q.9. Rule....... of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964, speaks about a Government servant subletting of
       Government accommodation.:
Ans. (a) Rule-10                      (b) Rule 7                         (c) Rule- 3(i) (II)         (d) Rule-15(A)*

Q.10."Members of family" in relation to a Government servant is defined in Rule.........
Ans.  (a) Rule-2(a)                   (b) Rule-2 (b)                   (c) Rule- 2(c)*            (d) Rule-3

Q.11.This Rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 speaks about a Government servant communicating
        official information.
Ans.  (a) Rule-6                        (b) Rule-5                        (c) Rule-7(i)                 (d) Rule-11*

Q.12.This Rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 speaks about Delegation of powers:
        (a) Rule-31                       (b) Rule- 17                      (c) Rule-12                  (d) Rule- 24*

Q.13. Rule ............ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964  regulates the lending and borrowing of money by
         Government servants:
Ans.   (a) Rule-13                      (b) Rule-7                         (c) Rule-10                 (d) Rule-16*

Q.14. This Rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 speaks about a Government servant's critisism of
Ans. (a) Rule-9*                       (b) Rule- 4(i)                    (c) Rule-7                   (d) Rule-7(i)

Q.15. As per CCS(Conduct) Rule,1964, a Government servant holding Group-C post can accept gifts
         worth Rs................ on occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or others functions:
Ans.  (a) Rs. 2000/-*                  (b) Rs. 8000/-                  (c) Rs. 7000/-             (d) 4000/-

Q.16.A Government servant shall not use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess as per rule....... of
        CCS(Conduct) Rule, 1964.
Ans. (a) Rule-3                           (b) Rule- 7                       (c) Rule-22(a)*           (d) Rule-19

Q.17. Rule ....... of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 provides that a Goverment servant shall not be a
         member of any political party.
Ans.  (a) Rule-3                          (b) Rule- 2                        (c) Rule-2(i)               (d) Rule-5(i)*

Q.18. Definition for "Movable property" is given in Rule-............. of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964.
Ans.  (a) Rule-10           (b) Explanation below Rule-18(5)* (c) Rule-5                  (d) Rule-16

Q.19. Rule-2 of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 deals with-
Ans.   (a) Definitions*                                                       (b) Commencement and applications    
         (c) Applicability                 (d) Short title, Commencement and application

Q.20.This Rule........... of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 speaks about Government servants taking part in
         politics and elections.
Ans.  (a) Rule-5*                        (b) Rule-4(i)                      (c) Rule-2-A(b)          (d) Rule-8-B

शनिवार, 5 जनवरी 2013

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q.61 to 80)

    Financial Hand Book Vol.I 
Q.61.  In which office the Circle Abstract is prepared? 
Ans.   (a) Reginal PMG Offices                            (b) CPMG Offices         
          (c) Postal Divisional Offices                       (d) Circle Postal Accounts Offices* 

Q.62. The maximum number of installment in which the principal and interest  on HBA should 
          be re-paid by a Government servant?
Ans.   (a) 180 & 60 respectiveely*                      (b) 120 & 60 respectively
          (c) 100 & 60 respectively                          (d) None of the above 

Q.63. Up to which limit the Transport Allowance paid to a Government servant is non-taxable as per 
         Income tax Act?
Ans.  (a) Rs.8000                      (b) Rs.9000+DA           (c) Rs 9600*                (d) None of these 

Q.64. From which record the General Abstract is prepared?
Ans.  (a) Cash Account of HPO                               (b) Circle Classified Abstract 
         (c) Circle Detailed Book                                 (d) Circle Abstract*

Q.65. Conveyance Allowance is not admissible to an official during leave-
ans.   (a) Irrespective of the period of leave*       (b) Exceeding 15 days
        (c) Exceeding 30 days                                   (d) Exceeding one month

Q.66. Sanction of the grant of Conveyance Allowance should be reviewed after-
Ans.   (a) Each year                   (b) 2 years*               (c) 3 years                  (d) 5 years

Q.67. Service books of the Government Servants should be maintained in-
Ans.   (a) Sigle copy                  (b) Duplicate*            (c) Triplicate               (d) Quadruplicate         

Q.68. What is the maximum amount granted as advance for purchase of Personal Computer for 
          first time?       

Ans.  (a) Rs. 85000/-                 (b) Rs. 80000/-*         (c) Rs. 75000/-           (d) None of these

Q.69. On all the cheque in excess of Rs........../- transparent sticker may be affixed on the amount 
          in figures to prevent its alteration. 
Ans.   (a) Rs.1 laks*                 (b) Rs. 2 lakh              (c) Rs. 3 lakh            (d) Rs. 5 lakh

Q.70. A Government servant, whose Grade Pay does not exceed Rs........./- may be granted an 
         advance for purchase of cycle.
Ans.  (a) 2800*                          (b) 3200                     (c) 2200                   (d) 1800 

Q.71. A second advance for purchase of computer cannot be granted before completion of
           ..... ....... years from the date of drawal of first advance.
Ans.  (a) 3                                 (b) 5                           (c) 8                        (d) None of these 

Q.72. Payment of Natural Calmities Advance is booked under the head ...............................
Ans.  (a) 7610- Loans to Government servant                  (b) 3201-02- Salaries*
         (c) 8553-Postal services                                        (d) 3201-06 - Amenitities of staff

Q.74. What is the rate of interest chargable on flood Advance?
Ans.  (a) 10%                              (b) 8%                      (c) 5%                     (d) Interest Free* 

Q.75. What is the periodicity prescribed for grant of advance for purchase of warm clothing?  
Ans.   (a) 5 years                         (b) 3 years*               (c) 4 years                (d) 1 year  

Q.76. What is the maximum limit of installments in which advance for purchasing warm clothing
           can be re-paid?
Ans.   (a) 10*                              (b) 15                        (c) 20                        (d) 25     

Q.77. In how many installment, the amount of interest on warm clothing advance should be 
Ans.  (a) 3                                                                      (b) 5                          
         (c) No interest for advance is charged*                  (d) 4

Q.78. What is the maximum limit of Motor Car Advance that can be sactioned to an officer of
          Central Government on the first occasion?  
Ans.  (a) Rs. 200000/-                (b) Rs. 180000/-*       (c) Rs.150000/-     (d) Rs. 120000/-

Q.79. What should be the minimum basic pay of a Government officer in the Pay Band for being
          eligible for grant of Motor Car Advance?
Ans.   (a) Rs. 20000/- or more                                        (b) Rs. 25000/- or more
          (c) Rs. 19530/- or more*                                    (d) Rs.  18000/- or more  

Q.80. What is the number of equal monthly installment in which the Government servant can re-
           pay the principal amount of Motor Car Advance? 
Ans.   (a) 250                             (b) 200*                       (c) 150                  (d) 100