गुरुवार, 17 जनवरी 2013

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q.1-20)

Travelling Allowance Rules(Q.1-20)

Q.1. Conveyannce Allowance is granted if average running km on duty per month is more than-
Ans. (a) 300 km                 (b) 500 km                       (c) 200 km                 (d) 100 km

Q.2. When is the Government servant deemed to have relinquished the claim for TA-
Ans. (a) If the claim is not preferred within six months from the date it became due.
        (b) If the claim is not preferred within one month from the date it became due.
        (c) If the claim is not preferred within two years from the date it became due.
        (d) If the claim is not preferred within one year from the date it became due.

Q.3. How the grade of a Government servant in transit between two posts is reconed for TA claim?
Ans. (a) The Government servant ranks in higher grade of the two posts.
        (b) The Government servant ranks in lower of the two grades.
        (c) Eligibilty depends on the date of submission on TA claim.
        (d) None of these

Q.4.  Conveyance Allowance will not be admissible during.......................:
        (A) Joining time and leave  
        (B) Periods of temporary transfers
        (C) Period of more than 15 days at a time when the motor car is not maintained or is in repair or
              not used :
Ans. (a) (A) only              (b) (B) only                  (c) (C) only           (d) All of the above occasssions

Q.5. What is the eligibilty of transfer grant for a Government official if the transfer to a new station is
        less than 20 kms and transfer involves change of residence?
Ans. (a) No transfer grant is admissible          
       (b) Half of the Composite transfer grant is admissible
       (c) Full composite transfer grant is admissible
       (d) One third composite transfer grant is admissible

Q.6. How to regulate the claim of a retiredGovernment servant for advance of TA for journey after
Ans. (a) The advance of TA can be allowed.                
        (b) The advance of TA cannot be  allowed.
        (c) The advance to the extent of fifty percent of the cost of journey can be allowed.
        (d) Advance of of TA can be allowed only under special circumstances.

Q.7. How is the Daily Allowance regulated for continuous halt in tour station?
Ans. (a) Full Da is admissible for 180 days and no DA is admissible thereafter
        (b) Full DA is admissible for 90 days and half DA for the next 90 days and no Da thereafter
        (c) Full Da is admissible for 90 days and no DA thereafter
        (d) Full DA is admissible for 90 days and half DA for next 60 days and no DA thereafter


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