सोमवार, 21 जनवरी 2013

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q-81-100)

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q-81-100)
Q.81. The Register of Retrenchments should be maintained at a Disbursing Office
           in the form........:
Ans.   (a) ACG-60*                  (b) ACG-65                   (c) ACG-63            (d) ACG-67

Q.82. Cycle Advance is admissible to a Government servant whose Grade Pay does
           not exceed Rs......:
Ans.   (a) Rs. 1800/-                 (b) Rs.1900/-             (c) Rs. 2400            (d) Rs. 2800*

Q.83. Who is the competent authority to sanction Cycle Advance to Mail Guard?
Ans.   (a) Sub Record Officer                                            (b) Head Record Officer
           (c) Postmaster General                                         (d) Divisional Head*    

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