सोमवार, 14 जनवरी 2013

CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.41-60)

        CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.41-60)
Q.41. "The Government" means Central Government as per Rule-...... of CCS(Conduct) 
         Rules, 1964.: 
Ans.  (a) Rule-2(a)*           (b) Rule-1                 (c) Rule-3 (1)(i)               (d) Rule-3(1) (ii)

Q.42. As per Rule- 3-C of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 which of the following behaiour amounts to
         "Sexual harrasment of woman at her workplace"-
Ans.  (a) Demand or request for sexual favours.*   
        (b) Talking to women colleagues
        (c)  Helping woman in discharge of official duties 
        (d) Talking to woman clleagues over phone

Q.43. Applicability of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 which is discussed in Rule-....... of CCS(Conduct) 
         Rules, 1964 :
Ans.  (a) Rule-1*                (b) Rule-2                (c) Rule-3                        (d) Rule-4

Q.44. As per CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, a Government servant holding Group-A post can accept gifts
         worth Rs. ................../- on occassions such as weddings, anniverserires, funerals or other 
         religious functions:
Ans. (a) Rs.10000/-              (b) Rs. 8000/-            (c) Rs.7000/- *             (d) Rs. 4000/-

Q.45. Political neutrality is expected of a Government servant as per this rule of CCS(Conduct) Rules,
Ans.   (a) Rule-5*                (b) Rule-4(i)              (c) Rule-2(A)(b)               (d) Rule-8-B


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