शनिवार, 5 जनवरी 2013

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q.61 to 80)

    Financial Hand Book Vol.I 
Q.61.  In which office the Circle Abstract is prepared? 
Ans.   (a) Reginal PMG Offices                            (b) CPMG Offices         
          (c) Postal Divisional Offices                       (d) Circle Postal Accounts Offices* 

Q.62. The maximum number of installment in which the principal and interest  on HBA should 
          be re-paid by a Government servant?
Ans.   (a) 180 & 60 respectiveely*                      (b) 120 & 60 respectively
          (c) 100 & 60 respectively                          (d) None of the above 

Q.63. Up to which limit the Transport Allowance paid to a Government servant is non-taxable as per 
         Income tax Act?
Ans.  (a) Rs.8000                      (b) Rs.9000+DA           (c) Rs 9600*                (d) None of these 

Q.64. From which record the General Abstract is prepared?
Ans.  (a) Cash Account of HPO                               (b) Circle Classified Abstract 
         (c) Circle Detailed Book                                 (d) Circle Abstract*

Q.65. Conveyance Allowance is not admissible to an official during leave-
ans.   (a) Irrespective of the period of leave*       (b) Exceeding 15 days
        (c) Exceeding 30 days                                   (d) Exceeding one month

Q.66. Sanction of the grant of Conveyance Allowance should be reviewed after-
Ans.   (a) Each year                   (b) 2 years*               (c) 3 years                  (d) 5 years

Q.67. Service books of the Government Servants should be maintained in-
Ans.   (a) Sigle copy                  (b) Duplicate*            (c) Triplicate               (d) Quadruplicate         

Q.68. What is the maximum amount granted as advance for purchase of Personal Computer for 
          first time?       

Ans.  (a) Rs. 85000/-                 (b) Rs. 80000/-*         (c) Rs. 75000/-           (d) None of these

Q.69. On all the cheque in excess of Rs........../- transparent sticker may be affixed on the amount 
          in figures to prevent its alteration. 
Ans.   (a) Rs.1 laks*                 (b) Rs. 2 lakh              (c) Rs. 3 lakh            (d) Rs. 5 lakh

Q.70. A Government servant, whose Grade Pay does not exceed Rs........./- may be granted an 
         advance for purchase of cycle.
Ans.  (a) 2800*                          (b) 3200                     (c) 2200                   (d) 1800 

Q.71. A second advance for purchase of computer cannot be granted before completion of
           ..... ....... years from the date of drawal of first advance.
Ans.  (a) 3                                 (b) 5                           (c) 8                        (d) None of these 

Q.72. Payment of Natural Calmities Advance is booked under the head ...............................
Ans.  (a) 7610- Loans to Government servant                  (b) 3201-02- Salaries*
         (c) 8553-Postal services                                        (d) 3201-06 - Amenitities of staff

Q.74. What is the rate of interest chargable on flood Advance?
Ans.  (a) 10%                              (b) 8%                      (c) 5%                     (d) Interest Free* 

Q.75. What is the periodicity prescribed for grant of advance for purchase of warm clothing?  
Ans.   (a) 5 years                         (b) 3 years*               (c) 4 years                (d) 1 year  

Q.76. What is the maximum limit of installments in which advance for purchasing warm clothing
           can be re-paid?
Ans.   (a) 10*                              (b) 15                        (c) 20                        (d) 25     

Q.77. In how many installment, the amount of interest on warm clothing advance should be 
Ans.  (a) 3                                                                      (b) 5                          
         (c) No interest for advance is charged*                  (d) 4

Q.78. What is the maximum limit of Motor Car Advance that can be sactioned to an officer of
          Central Government on the first occasion?  
Ans.  (a) Rs. 200000/-                (b) Rs. 180000/-*       (c) Rs.150000/-     (d) Rs. 120000/-

Q.79. What should be the minimum basic pay of a Government officer in the Pay Band for being
          eligible for grant of Motor Car Advance?
Ans.   (a) Rs. 20000/- or more                                        (b) Rs. 25000/- or more
          (c) Rs. 19530/- or more*                                    (d) Rs.  18000/- or more  

Q.80. What is the number of equal monthly installment in which the Government servant can re-
           pay the principal amount of Motor Car Advance? 
Ans.   (a) 250                             (b) 200*                       (c) 150                  (d) 100                 

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