बुधवार, 16 जनवरी 2013

CCS (Leave) Rules (Q.1-20)

CCS (Leave) Rules,1972 (Q.1-20)

Q.1.  The maximum period up to which Special Disability leave for injury intentionally inflicted can be
         sanctioned is-                                                                                                     (R.44)
Ans.  (a) 28 months      (b) 24 months*             (c) 12 months                 (d) 5 years

Q.2.  The maximum Maternity Leave admissible at a time is -                                             (R.43)
Ans.  (a) 180 days*        (b) 135 days               (c) 60 days                      (d) No limit

Q.3.  Which one of the following kinds of leave is not a recognised form of leave-      (Appendix-II)
Ans.  (a) Earned Leave  (b) Casual Leave*     (c) Commuted leave          (d) Half Pay Leave

Q.4.  Deduction of 1/10th of EOL availed during previous half year in case of advance credit of EL in
        following half year is subject to a maximum of:                                            [GID(2), R-27]
Ans. (a) 1/10th of EOL during previous half year (b) 15 days*  (c) 10 days (d) No limit

Q.5. The maximum days up to which Commuted Leave can be granted in continuation of ML is for a
        period of up to-                                                                                         [R.30(1-A)]
Ans. (a) 180 days*       (b) 90 days                 (c) 60 days                       (d) 120 days

Q.6. Full time Casual Labours with temporay status are eligible for ................ :       [Appendix-I(D)]
Ans. (a)Maternity Leave*(b) Earned Leave        (c) Half Pay Leave            (d) Commuted Leave

Q.7. Balance of this kind of leave shall be carried forwrd to next year/half year:
Ans. (a) EXOL              (b) Study Leave          (c) Half Pay Leave           (d) None of these

Q.8. In case of availing Child Care Leave, the age of dependant disabled children is up to :
Ans.(a) 18 years            (b) 25 years                (c) No limit                     (d) 22 years

Q.9. While on Hospital Leave for first ....... days, leave salary equal to Leave salay while on Earned
       Leave is given.
Ans. (a) 120 days          (b) 24 months             (c) 180 days                   (d) No limit

Q.10 The maximum period up to which Hospital Leave in combination with any other kind of leave can
        be sanctioned for-                        
Ans. (a) 24 months        (b) 12 months             (c) 5 years                      (d) 28 months

Q.11.Maximum amount of continuous leave which can be availed with sanction of President of India in
        exceptional circumstances is :
Ans. (a) 180 days          (b) 1 year                   (c) 5 years                       (d) No limit


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