सोमवार, 14 जनवरी 2013

CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.21-40)

CCS (Conduct) Ruls, 1964 (Q.21-40)

Q.21. This Rule-............ CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 deals with "Promptnes and Courtesy":
Ans.   (a) Rule-2                (b) Rule- 3(1) (ii)                 (c) Rule-3-A*              (d) Rule-3-B

Q.22. This Rule ......... of CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 speaks about interpretation of CCS(Conduct) 
Ans.  (a) Rule-31               (b) Rule-17                         (c) Rule-12                   (d) Rule-23*

Q.23. According to Rule ............ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, no Government servant shall
         speculate in any stock of shares, securities or other investments.:
Ans.  (a) Rule-10                (b) Rule-15(2)(c)                (c) Rule-5                    (d) Rule-16*

Q.24. Rule-........ of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about "Repeal and Saving".:
Ans.  (a) Rule-22                (b) Rule-25*                       (c) Rule-12                   (d) Rule-23

Q.25. "No Government servant shall employ to work any child below the age of 14 years" as per Rule-
         ............CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964.
Ans.  (a) Rule-18-A(b)        (b) Rule-22-A*                    (c) Rule-10                  (d) Rule-13-A

Q.26. Rule-18 of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with .....................:
Ans.  (a) Observance of Government policies                
         (b) Investment, lending and borrowing
         (c) Evidence before Committee or any other authority
         (d) Movable, immovable and valuable property*  

Q.27. "The Government", "Government servant", "Members of faamily" are defined in Rule-.... of
         CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964.:
Ans.  (a) Rule-2*               (b) Rule-1                               (c) Rule-3(1)(i)             (d) Rule-3(1)(ii)

Q.28. As per CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 permission inn connection with accepting of gifts may be
         assumed to have been granted if no communication is received within .......days.
Ans.   (a) 15 days              (b) 30 days*                           (c) 45 days                   (d) 60 days

Q.29. This Rule................. of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about "Demonstration and strike".:
Ans.  (a) Rule-6                 (b) Rule--4(i)                          (c) Rule-7*                   (d) Rule-8-B

Q.30. This Rule.......... of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant consuming
         intoxicating drinks and drugs.
Ans.   (a) Rule-22*            (b) Rule- 20                           (c) Rule-10                    (d) Rule-13-A

Q.31. Rule-1 of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with ........................:
Ans.  (a) Short title only                                     (b) commencement and application only 
         (c) Applicability only                                 (d) Short title, commencement and applications* 

Q.32. Rule............of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant making 
         investments, lending and borrowing:
Ans.  (a) Rule 10                (b) Rule 15(2) (c)                   (c) Rule-5                     (d) Rule-16*

Q.33. Rule-21 of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 deals with -
Ans.  (a) Obsevance of Government policies                 (b) Investments, lending and borrowing
        (c) Restrictions regarding marriage*                (d) Insolvency and habitual indebtness

Q.34. The Rule ........ of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, speaks about a Government servant taking up 
         private trade or employment. 
Ans.  (a) Rule-15*             (b) Rule- 14                          (c) Rule-10                (d) Rule-13-A

Q.35. This Rule......................of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964, speaks about a Government servant
         accepting "GIFTS":
Ans.   (a) Rule- 8                 (b) Rule-9                          (c) Rule-10                  (d) Rule-13*

Q.36. Delegations of power under  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 are discussed in ...............:
Ans.  (a) Appendix-II*        (b) Rule- 25                       (c) Rule-12                  (d) Rule-23

Q.37. "No Government  servant shall give, take or abet dowry" as per Rule.......... of  CCS(Conduct) 
         Rules, 1964.:
Ans.  (a) Rule-8                   (b) Rule- 9                         (c) Rule- 10                (d) Rule-13(A)(i)*

Q.38. This Rule of  CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964  speaks about vindication of acts and character of
          Government servant.    
Ans.  (a) Rule-3                   (b) Rule- 7                          (c) Rule-12                 (d) Rule-19*

Q.39. Rule-....... of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about a Government servant givingevidence
         before Committee or any other authority. 
Ans.  (a) Rule-6                   (b) Rule- 4(i)                      (c) Rule-10*                (d) Rule- 3

Q.40. Rule-........ of CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 speaks about restrictions to a Government servant
         regarding marriage.:
Ans. (a) Rule-21*               (b) Rule- Rule-20                (c) Rule-10                   (d) Rule-13-A

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