गुरुवार, 17 जनवरी 2013

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q.1-20)

CCS (Pension) Rules (Q.1-20)

Q.1. Mr.X retired from service on superannuation on 31.05.2010, pending desciplinary
        proceedings under Rule 14 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965, for causing great loss to
        the Department. The departmental proceedings concluded on 15.01.2011 and
        the Appointing Authority ordered Pension Disbursing Authority to withhold
        30% of the pension until further order:
Ans. (a) Appointing Authority can independently pass such an order
        (b) Appellate Authority can pass such order
        (c) Such orders will have to be passed only in the name of President
        (d) Appointing Authority can pass such order with the approval of the
              Appellate Authority.

Q.2. Provisional pension should be paid-
       (a) Always only in person
       (b) Always be remitted by MO/Bank draft at the cost of pensioner
       (c) Can be remitted at Government expense if the provisional is not exceeding
             thousand rupees exclussive of the amount of relief. .
       (d) Can be remitted by Money Order at Government expense on request of pensioner,
             subject to  certain conditions.

Q.3. While calculaing qualifying service, the net qualifying service of a Government servant
         comes to 24 years and 10 months, it will be rounded off to-
Ans. (a) 50 six monthly periods                                      (b) 49 six monthly periods  
        (c) 48 six monthly periods                                      (d) 51 six monthly periods

Q.4. Which interruption shall entail forfeiture of past service?
Ans. (a) Dismissal of Government servant from service
        (b) Joining time while on transfer from post to another
        (c) Suspension where it is immediately followed by reinstatement
        (d) Authorised leave of absence

Q.5. Comment whether the action is in order. It is noticed by the pension sanctioning
         authority that a balance of Rs.5000/- to be recovered from the Government
         servant towards Court attachment.Hence the same is ordered to be recovered
         from the retirement gratuity.
Ans. (a) The action is not in oirder as retirement gratuity is not liable for attachment.
        (b) The action is in order as it is in compliance of a court order
        (c) The authority should have referred the case to Director of Accounts (Postal)
        (d) None of these

Q.6. Which rule of CCS(pension) Rules,1972 deals with retirement by giving notice
        (Voluntary Retirement) on completion of 20 years' qualifying service?
Ans. (a) Rule- 48                 (b) Rule-48-B               (c) Rule-49                  (d) Rule- 48-A

Q.7. What is the notice period prescribed for voluntary retirement in CCS(Pension)
Ans. (a) Not less than three months                       (b) Not less than six months
        (c) Not less than 1 month                                (d) Not less than two months                        


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