मंगलवार, 15 जनवरी 2013

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.1-20)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.1-20)

Q.1. A Government servant under suspension is entitled to :
Ans. (a) Leave salary equal to leave salarynon half pay (b) Ex-gratia payment
         (c) Subsistence Allowance                                      (d) All of above

Q.2. In an inquiry under Rule-14 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 who will have 
        the right to examine the charged officer?
Ans. (a) Disciplinary Authority                   (b) Presenting Officer  
         (c) Inquiry Officer                                (d) None of these
Q.3.  Any failure in due observance of the procedure as laid down in the 
         CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 is liable to vitiate ........................:
Ans. (a) Disciplinary proceedings                  (b) Criminal proceedings 
         (c) Civil Proceedings                              (d) None of these

Q.4. Which article of the Constitution has necessarily to be studied 
        thoroughly by all the authorities who have been vested with 
        Disciplinary Powere?
Ans. (a) Article-272                                         (b) Article-319             
         (c) Article- 311                                        (d) None of these

Q.5. The status of the Inquiry Officer should not in any case be lower 
        than that of whom?
Ans. (a) Disciplinary Authority                        (b) Charged Offial        
         (c) Presenting Officer                                (d) None of these

Q.6. The circumstances under which a Government servant may be placed 
         under suspension are enumerated in the following rule-
Ans. (a) Rule-20 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965     
         (b) Rule-120 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965
         (c) Rule-16 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965                      
         (d) Rule-14 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965

Q.7. A Government servant under suspension has to produce the following 
       certificate for drawal of subsistence allowance during the period of suspension;
Ans. (a) Life certificate                                       (b) Non-employment
       (c) Residence certificate                               (d) All the above

Q.8. The CVC should be constituted inthe following cases-
       (a) In all cases relating to Gazetted officers   
       (b) In all cases relating to vigilence cases
       (c) In all vigilance cases relating to Gazetted officers    
       (d) In all the above cases

Q.9. When an a Government servant may be placed under deemed suspension?
Ans. (a) If he is detained in Police custody exceeding 48 hours 
         (b) While absconding
         (c) While unauthorisedly absent                                  
         (d) While undergoing major penalty

Q.10.The charged officer will be required to state categorically whether he pleads
          guilty to to any of
         the articles of charges:
Ans. (a) Before the start of the enquiry       (b) In the middle of the enquiry
        (c) At the end of the enquiry                (d) None of these

Q.11. Framing of charge s and issue  of a charge sheet may be for..............:
Ans.  (a) Major penalty only                       
          (b) minor penalty only
          (c) Either for minor penlty or for major penalty           
          (d) None of these

Q.12. The competent authority may vary the amount of subsistance allowance 
          for any period exceeding the first three months as follows:
Ans.  (a) May increase or decreaseor allow to remain unaltered 
          (b) Can only be decreased
          (c) Can only be increased                                         
          (d) None of these

Q.13. The rate of subsistance allowance payble to the suspended official is
          prescribed in:
Ans.  (a) FR-53                                 (b) FR-10        
          (c) FR-54                                 (d) Rule 10 of CCS(CCA) Rules

Q.14. Who will produce all State exhibits and also have all State witnesses examined
          in support of the charges during inquiry under Rule-14 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965.
Ans.  (a) Accused Officer                      (b) Presenting officer     
          (c) Inquiry officer                        (d) None of these

Q.15. Who will take decision whether the charge s have been established before
          passing final orders as  per CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority           (b) Inquiry Officer      
          (c) Presenting Officer                   (d) None of these

Q.16. Who should examine the Inquiry officer's report on its receipt from
          IO in the first instance?
Ans.  (a) The competent Disciplinary Authority (b) The Appellate Authority
          (c) Revisionary Authority                           (d) None of these

Q.17. Whether recovery of over-payment can bemade from subsistance allowance?
Ans.  (a) Yes, at the option of Government servant
          (b) Yes, at the discretion of the competent authority
          (c) It is mandatory
          (d) No

Q.18. How many stages are involved in a ddisciplinary case as per Postal Manual
Ans.  (a) One             (b) Two                  (c) Three                       (d) Four

Q.19. Subsistance Allowance of a non-gazatted official can be remitted by
Ans.  (a) Demand Draft                            (b) Cheque            
          (c) Service Money Orsder              (d) Pay Order        

Q.20. Where is the procedure to be followed in disciplinary cases against
          Government servant laid down i detail?
Ans.  (a) CCS(CCA) Rules                       (b) CCS(Conduct) Rules
          (c) Postal Manual Vol.II                 (d) None of these                    

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