मंगलवार, 15 जनवरी 2013

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.41-60)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.41-60)

Q.41. The Appellate Authority under CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 can :
Ans.  (a) Confirm the penalty by the Disciplinary Authority
          (b) Enhance the penalty 
          (c) Set aside the penalty
          (d) All the above three actions*

Q.42. Under CCS(CCA) Rules, the power of review is vested in:-
Ans.  (a) Head of the Department                        (b) Appellate Authority
          (c) President*                                            (d) All the above

Q.43. The Disciplinary Authority can withhold any appeal in case:
Ans.  (a) English version is not appended           
          (b) No new event has been quoted by the official
          (c) The period for preferring appeal has expired 
          (d) The appeal may not be withheld in any case

Q.44. Which of the following penalties is not treated as Major penalties under
          CCS(CCA), Rules, 1965 ?
Ans.  (a) Recovery from the pay            (b) Reduction to a lower time scale 
          (b) Removal from service              (d) Compulsory retirement

Q.45. Which of the following is not a penalty within the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965?
Ans.  (a) Dismissal from service          
          (b) Censure
          (c) Non promotion of a Government servant in officiating capacity*
          (d) Withholding of promotion    
Q.46. Which of the following events is not fit for treating as "Dies Non"?
Ans.  (a) When the official remains absent from duty withoiut permission.
          (b) When on duty in the office, the offical leaves the office without
                proper permission
          (c) The official remains in the office, refuses to perform duty assigned to him
          (d) Late coming to office

Q.47. Which is the following cases is not fit for imposition of Major penalty under
          CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 against a Government servant?
Ans.  (a) Possession of dispropotionate assets
          (b) Obtaining illegal gratification
          (c) Mis-appropriation of Government property
          (d) Refusal of promotion*

Q.48. The Disciplinary Authority can appoint Presenting Officer to presnt the case
          on its behalf before the Inquiry Authority-
Ans.  (a) Any other Government servant             (b) A legal practioner
          (c) A retired official                                     (d) Any of the above (a) or (b)*      

Q.49  Ex-perte enquiry may be conducted in the following cases:-
Ans.  (a) The official remains absent from duty
          (b) The officialoverstays leave without permission and his movements are
                not known.    
          (c) The official fails to reply to official communications of Disciplinary
          (d) Any of the above*

Q.50. A Government servant shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension
          by an order of the Appointing Authority with effect from the date of his
          detention, if he is detained in custody, whether on a criminal cahrge or otherwise,
          or a period exceeding:-
Ans.  (a) Twelve hours                                          (b) Twenty four hours
          (c) Forty eight hours*                                  (d0 Three days

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