मंगलवार, 15 जनवरी 2013

CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 (Q.21-40)

CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 (Q.21-40)

Q.21. The CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 shall apply to-
Ans.   (a) Every Government servant including every civilian Government servant in
                Defence Service.
           (b) Any Railway servant, as defined in Rule-102 of Vol.I of Indian Railways
                 Establishment Code.  
           (c) Any member of All India Service
           (d) None of these.   

Q.22. An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made, unless it is extended
          after review,shall be valid for a period of ........-
Ans.  (a) 60 days           (b) 90 days*            (c) 45 days                     (d) 30 days

Q.23. ............... is the Appellate Authority in respect of HSG-I Cadre for minor penalty.
Ans.  (a) DG Posts        (b) DPS*               (c) Divisional Head         (d) None of these

Q.24. .............. months is the time limit  for preferring revision application against
         the penalty order from the date of receipt by the Government servant to the
         appellate authority.
Ans.  (a) Three              (b) Four                   (c) Six*                          (d) No limit

Q.25. .............. is the Appointing Authority in respect of Assistant Manager, MMS.
Ans. (a) Head of the Circle     (b) DPS*       (c) Sr./Manager MMS    (d) None of these

Q.26. A penalty of recovery under Rule-11(III) of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965 can be
          spread over, how   many years?
Ans.  (a) One year                                          (b) Two years                                                  
          (c) Three years                                     (d)  Till entire loss is recovered*

Q.27. In ...................... months, charge sheet may require to be issued  to Government
          servant from   the date of his suspension.
Ans.  (a) Three*        (b) Four                      (c) Five                              (d) Twelve

Q.28.  ......................... is the Appellate Authority in respect of Mail Guard in RMS
          for major penalty.
Ans.  (a) Head of the Division (b) DPS*      (c) Head Record Officer      (d) SRO

Q. 29. ...................... is the Appointing Authority for Postal Superintendent
           Group-B Cadre.
Ans.  (a) Head of the Circle     (b) DG, Posts* (c) CPMG    (d) None of these

Q. 30. ................... is the Disciplinary Authority in respect of LSG staff in RMS
          for imposing major  penalty.
Ans.   (a) Head of the Circle                              (b) Director Postal services
           (c) Head Record Officer                          (d) None of these

Q. 31. The competent authority may vary the amount for any period exceeding
           the first three months as  follows-
Ans.   (a) May be increased or decreased or allowed to remain unaltered
           (b) Cannot be allowed to remain unaltered
           (c) Can only be increased
           (d) None of these
Q.32.  Duringg the enquiry, the Inquiry Officer should follow the prescribed
           procedure of -------
Ans.   (a) Insspection of original records produced in support of the charges
           (b) Examination and cross-examination of witnesses
           (c) Both the above
           (d) None of these

Q.33. Who will take decision whether the charges have been established before
          passing final order?
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority                                 (b) Inquiry Officer
          (c) Presenting Officer                                         (d) None of these

Q.34. Under what conditions the charge of head quarters of a suspended officer
          can be oredered?
Ana.  (a) Inthe interest of public service (b) At the request of the suspended office
          (c) In both the above cases            (d) None of these

Q.35. If an order of suspension is passed by an authority lower than the appointing
          authority that authority will report the circumstances in which the order was
Ans.  (a) To the Appointing Authority  (b) To the Appellate Authority
          (c) To the Reviwing Officer          (d)To all the above

Q.36. Why the Inquiry Officer's report should be examined by the competent
          Disciplinary Authority?
Ans.  (a) To take a dicision whether the charges have have been established
          (b) Whether the recommendations of the Inquiry Officer shold be accepted
          (c) Whether he should give its own findings
          (None of these

Q.37. The authorities competent to imposepenalties on member of Group'B',
          'C' and 'D' services are mentioned in-
Ans.  (a) Schedules to the CCS(CCA) Rules,1965
          (b) Rule-11 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965
          (c) Rule-12 of CCS(CCA) Rules,1965        
          (d) None of these

Q.38. Who will submit a report to the Disciplinary Authority discussing all
          the evidences and giving his findings on each charge separately after
          completion of enquiry?
Ans.  (a) The Presenting Officer                (b) The accused officer
          (c) The Inquiry Officer                     (d) the Investigating Officer

Q.39. The status of the Inquiry Officer should not in any case be lower than
           that of whom?  
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority              (b) Inquiry Officer
          (c) Presenting Officer                      (d) None of these

Q.40. Who will have the right to examine the accused officer?
Ans.  (a) Disciplinary Authority              (b) Inquiry Officer
          (c) Presenting Officer                      (d) None of these

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