सोमवार, 25 फ़रवरी 2013

Public Grievance handling(Q.1-20)

Public Grievance Handling

Q.1.  ................. heads the Grievance Cell under over all control of Member (I&FS).
Ans. (a) DDG(PG&QA)*                                     (b) Director (PG&WS)   
        (c) ADG(PG)                                             (d) ADG(Pension)

Q.2. All complaints pending over ................... with Divisional office will be brought
        to the notice of  Circle office for seeking guidance for their sttlement.
Ans. (a) 15 days    (b) 1 month*             (c) 2 months                  (d) None of these

Q.3. All references in respect of inward complaints should be replied within .............
        from the time of their receipt with complete and correct information by the
        Postmaster concerned.
Ans. (a) 48 hrs*    (b) 72 hrs                   (c) A week                      (d) A fortnight  

Q.4. The following unit head is fully competent to dispose off a public complaint --
Ans. (a) Director, Mumbai GPO                          (b) Director, Kolkata GPO
         (c) Chief Postmasters/ Sr. Postmaster         (d) All of the above* 

Q.5. The prescribed Complaint Register in ........ categories will have to be maintained
         till such time, as 100% handling through the computerised system is not achieved.
Ans. (a) Eight         (b) Ten                  (c) Eleven*                     (d) Thirteen

Q.6. Complaint Register in Customer Care Centre must be reviewed once in every
        .............. by the heads of unit in Division.
Ans. (a) Week*       (b) Fortnight         (c) Month                     (d) None of these

Q.7. Normally complaints relating to unregistered articles pertain to ----
Ans. (a) Non-delivery/ delay in delivery                  (b) Wrong delivery
         (c) Loss of articles/Abstraction of contents    (d) All of the aboove*

Q.8. Complaint relating to VP and Outward Foreign articles, a fee of Rs. .............
        in form of postage stamps should be collected and the same should be affixed
        on the complaints.
Ans. (a)                                   (b)               (c)         (d)

Q.9. Complaint in respect of registered/insured articles should be lodged within ........
        from the date of booking, where a claim is preferred.
Ans. (a) One month   (b) Three months*       (c) Six months     (d) Twelve months

Q10. No compensation is payable since the complaint has been preferred within......
         in  case of loss or damage of registered/insured articles.
Ans. (a) One month   (b) Three months*         (c) Six months     (d) Twelve months

Q.11. An ex-gratia payment of Rs. ......../- is permissible in respect of loss of RL or
           its contents having intrinsic value.
Ans.  (a) 50                 (b) 100*                (c) 150                 (d) 200

Q.12. Complaint Register is maintained in Form No. ............ in Divisional Office.
Ans.  (a) CPT-17       (b) CPT-18           (c) CPT-21           (d) CPT-24

Q.13. If duplicate VPMO is not received within the ......... day(s), sanction for
          payment of the amount to the sender should be issued under intimation to
          the office of payment and its controlling office.
Ans.  (a) 10*              (b) 15                   (c) 20                   (d) 30

Q.14. what is the period within which complaint should be preferred in respect of
          delivery of unregistered articles like ILC/PC/Envelopes/Invitation Cards/
Ans.  (a) One month (b) Three months (c) Six months*   (d) Twelve months

Q.15. What is the period within which complaints should be preferred in respect of
          registered/insured articles where claim for compensation has been made?
Ans.  (a) One month (b) Three months* (c) Six months   (d) Twelve months   



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