मंगलवार, 25 दिसंबर 2012

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q.41-60)

Financial Hand Book Vol.I
Q.41. In which form the schedule of pension payment is prepared in a Head Post Office?
Ans.   (a) ACG-58                (b) Pension-4*                  (c) ACG-90                   (d) ACG-3

Q.42. Who are ordinarily responsible to see that collection of the dues of Department are regularly
         collected and brought to account?
Ans.  (a) Director General      (b) Audit Officr           (c) Departmental Officer*  (d) None of these

Q.43. Sector A in Expenditure met from revenue Head in the accounts of the Postal Department
         belongs to:                                                                                                          [R.71(II)]
Ans.  (a) General Services* (b) Economic Services        (c) Both (a)&(b)            (d) None of these

Q.44. If a Government servant availed advance for purchase of motor car on 30.04.2012, what is the
         rate of interest payable on such advance?                                                                  (R.396)
Ans.  (a) 11.50%                  (b) 12.50%                        (c) 13.50%                    (d) 14.50%

Q.45. LPC refers to:                                                                                                (R.227-229)
Ans.  (a) Last Pay Certificate*                                     (b) Leave Provided with cash
         (d) Leave Provided Certifiacte                                (d) None of these    

Q.46. The objection Statements are prepared by the Account Office in :                          (R.92)
Ans.  (a) Triplicate                 (b) Quadruplicate               (c) Single                    (d) Duplicate*

Q.47. How many locks should be provided for the strong chest in which the public money not in the
\        treasury or bank are kept?                                                                                (R.106)
Ans.  (a) Two*                       (b) Three                          (c) Four                      (d) Ten

Q.48. Major head 03 in the expenditure head of General Services(A) of the Postal Department belongs
         to:                                                                                                               [R.71(II)]
Ans.  (a) Interest on small savings, provident fund etc.* (b) Economic Services
         (c) Both (a) & (b)                                                   (d) None of these

Q.49. Which is the form in which the books of vouchers used for drawings from treasury is
         maintained?                                                                                                    (R. 142)
Ans.  (a) ACG-12*                   (b) ACG-13                    (c) ACG-14                  (d) ACG-16

Q.50. The receipts in the form ACG-67 are printed in :                                                   (R.8)
Ans.   (a) Single Copy                (b) Triplicate                  (c) Duplicate*             (d) Quadruplicate

Q.51. Who is Competent to issue payment order in connection with the International Reply Coupons?
Ans.   (a) DA(P), Nagpur            (b) DA(P), Delhi            (c) DA(P), Mumbai     (d) DA(P),Kolkata*

Q.52. What is the time limit to prefer medical re-imbursement bills from the date of completion of
Ans.  (a) Three months*           (b) Six months               (c) Nine months         (d) One year

Q.53. What is the validity of a Pay Order from the date of the endorsement of pay order relating to pay
         bills other than bills relating to pay and allowances of the staff?
Ans.  (a) Five days                     (b) Seven days*             (c) Nine days             (d) Fifteen days

Q.54. How long the Acquintance Rolls of GDS officials should be preserved?
Ans.  (a) 25 years                      (b) 35 years                    (c) 45 years*             (d) 55 years  

Q.55. Cash Book Maintained by drawing and Disbursing Officrs are preserved for the following
         number of years:
Ans.  (a) 5 years                        (b) 10 years*                 (c) 15 years                (d) 20 years

Q.56. Purchase of goods up to a crtain value on each occassion may be made without inviting
         quotations or bids. What is the value?
Ans.  (a) Up to Rs.10000           (b) Up to Rs.15000*       (c) Up to Rs.25000       (d) Up to Rs.50000

Q.57. Pending th completion of the procedure for the budget, funds made available to cover
         expenditure for certain period is termed as:
Ans.  (a) Contingent grant           (b) Temporary grant       (c) Vote of Account*   (d) Appropreation

Q.58. The consolidated Statement of interest credited each year to the GPF Account of Group-D
         Employees should be sent annually by the heads of Officers to the Postal Account Office not
         later than-
Ans.  (a) 15th April                    (b) 30th April                  (c) 31st May*              (d) 30th June    

Q.59. When is the profit and loss account of Department of Post is prepard?
Ans.   (a) Monthly                      (b) Quarterly                  (c) Six monthly             (d) Annually*

Q.60. In which form th Cash Account of the Head Post Office is prepared? 
Ans.   (a) ACG-5*                      (b) ACG-36                   (c) ACG-31                   (d) ACG-16  

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