मंगलवार, 25 दिसंबर 2012

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q.41-60)

Financial Hand Book Vol.I
Q.41. In which form the schedule of pension payment is prepared in a Head Post Office?
Ans.   (a) ACG-58                (b) Pension-4*                  (c) ACG-90                   (d) ACG-3

Q.42. Who are ordinarily responsible to see that collection of the dues of Department are regularly
         collected and brought to account?
Ans.  (a) Director General      (b) Audit Officr           (c) Departmental Officer*  (d) None of these

Q.43. Sector A in Expenditure met from revenue Head in the accounts of the Postal Department
         belongs to:                                                                                                          [R.71(II)]
Ans.  (a) General Services* (b) Economic Services        (c) Both (a)&(b)            (d) None of these

Q.44. If a Government servant availed advance for purchase of motor car on 30.04.2012, what is the
         rate of interest payable on such advance?                                                                  (R.396)
Ans.  (a) 11.50%                  (b) 12.50%                        (c) 13.50%                    (d) 14.50%

Q.45. LPC refers to:                                                                                                (R.227-229)
Ans.  (a) Last Pay Certificate*                                     (b) Leave Provided with cash
         (d) Leave Provided Certifiacte                                (d) None of these    

Q.46. The objection Statements are prepared by the Account Office in :                          (R.92)
Ans.  (a) Triplicate                 (b) Quadruplicate               (c) Single                    (d) Duplicate*

Q.47. How many locks should be provided for the strong chest in which the public money not in the
\        treasury or bank are kept?                                                                                (R.106)
Ans.  (a) Two*                       (b) Three                          (c) Four                      (d) Ten

Q.48. Major head 03 in the expenditure head of General Services(A) of the Postal Department belongs
         to:                                                                                                               [R.71(II)]
Ans.  (a) Interest on small savings, provident fund etc.* (b) Economic Services
         (c) Both (a) & (b)                                                   (d) None of these

Q.49. Which is the form in which the books of vouchers used for drawings from treasury is
         maintained?                                                                                                    (R. 142)
Ans.  (a) ACG-12*                   (b) ACG-13                    (c) ACG-14                  (d) ACG-16

Q.50. The receipts in the form ACG-67 are printed in :                                                   (R.8)
Ans.   (a) Single Copy                (b) Triplicate                  (c) Duplicate*             (d) Quadruplicate

Q.51. Who is Competent to issue payment order in connection with the International Reply Coupons?
Ans.   (a) DA(P), Nagpur            (b) DA(P), Delhi            (c) DA(P), Mumbai     (d) DA(P),Kolkata*

Q.52. What is the time limit to prefer medical re-imbursement bills from the date of completion of
Ans.  (a) Three months*           (b) Six months               (c) Nine months         (d) One year

Q.53. What is the validity of a Pay Order from the date of the endorsement of pay order relating to pay
         bills other than bills relating to pay and allowances of the staff?
Ans.  (a) Five days                     (b) Seven days*             (c) Nine days             (d) Fifteen days

Q.54. How long the Acquintance Rolls of GDS officials should be preserved?
Ans.  (a) 25 years                      (b) 35 years                    (c) 45 years*             (d) 55 years  

Q.55. Cash Book Maintained by drawing and Disbursing Officrs are preserved for the following
         number of years:
Ans.  (a) 5 years                        (b) 10 years*                 (c) 15 years                (d) 20 years

Q.56. Purchase of goods up to a crtain value on each occassion may be made without inviting
         quotations or bids. What is the value?
Ans.  (a) Up to Rs.10000           (b) Up to Rs.15000*       (c) Up to Rs.25000       (d) Up to Rs.50000

Q.57. Pending th completion of the procedure for the budget, funds made available to cover
         expenditure for certain period is termed as:
Ans.  (a) Contingent grant           (b) Temporary grant       (c) Vote of Account*   (d) Appropreation

Q.58. The consolidated Statement of interest credited each year to the GPF Account of Group-D
         Employees should be sent annually by the heads of Officers to the Postal Account Office not
         later than-
Ans.  (a) 15th April                    (b) 30th April                  (c) 31st May*              (d) 30th June    

Q.59. When is the profit and loss account of Department of Post is prepard?
Ans.   (a) Monthly                      (b) Quarterly                  (c) Six monthly             (d) Annually*

Q.60. In which form th Cash Account of the Head Post Office is prepared? 
Ans.   (a) ACG-5*                      (b) ACG-36                   (c) ACG-31                   (d) ACG-16  

सोमवार, 24 दिसंबर 2012

डाकघर गाइड भाग-I (Q.1-20)

डाकघर गाइड भाग-I 
प्रश्न -1. भारत में कुल कितने डाक सर्किल हैं?
उत्तर -  (क) 16                       (ख) 20                              (ग) 22*                   (घ) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न -2. भारतीय डाक विभाग निम्नलिखित  में से किसके प्रशासकीय नियंत्रण के अधीन है?
उत्तर -  (क) संचार मंत्री            (ख) डाक महानिदेशक*         (ग) संचार राज्य मंत्री  (घ) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न -3. डाक वस्तुओं की वापसी (Recall of articles) हेतु आवेदन पत्र पर डाक टिकट के रूप में अदा किये जाने
            वाले शुल्क क्या हैं?
उत्तर -  (क) दस रुपये               (ख) छः रुपये*                      (ग) नौ रूपये              (घ) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न -4. परिचय-पत्र किस डाकघर के पोस्टमॉस्टर के द्वारा जारी किया जाता है?
उत्तर -  (क) प्रधान डाकघर*       (ख) उप डाकघर                    (ग) शाखा डाकघर       (घ) डाक अधीक्षक

शुक्रवार, 21 दिसंबर 2012

Financial Hand Book Vol.I (Q.21-40)

Financial Hand Book Vol.I
Q.21, The used ACG-67 receipt books shall be kept in the personal custody of the head of office for ...
          years from the date of issue of last receipt in the books.                                             (R.     )
Ans.  (a) One year              (b) Two year                  (c) Five year               (d) Ten years 

Q.22. Government means-                                                                                               [R.2(g)]
Ans.   (a) Government of any country                        (b) Government of any state 
         (c) Central Government*                              (d) None of these   

Q.23. What is the time period within which request for change date of birth of a Government servant
         should be made?                                                                                         [GID(a),R.281]
Ans.  (a) 10 years              (b) 2 years                      (c) 3 years                 (d) 5 years* 

Q.24. The expenditure from public account should not be ............... the occasion demands. [R.60(2)]
Ans.   (a) Prima facie more than* (b) Less than       (c) Equal to               (d) None of these

Q.25.  A bill becomes ..................... after payment.                                   [Note below Rule-35(O)]
Ans.  (a) Sanction              (b) Order                        (c) Voucher*             (d) None of these  

Q.26. Sector B under Revenue Recipts in the accounts of the Postal Department belongs to : {R.71(I)}            
Ans.  (a) Interest Receipts (b) Non Tax Revenue* (c) Postal Receipts (d) Telecommunication Charges

Q.27. In which form, the Establishment Register of the office is maintained by Heads of offices?(R.278)
Ans.  (a) ACG-18(a)         (b) ACG-17(c)              (c) ACG-19(a)*              (d) ACG-20(i)

Q.28. Majr Head 2016 in expenditure side of Sector A General Services of the Postal Department
         belongs to :                                                                                                            [R.71(I)]
Ans.  (a) Interest payment (b) Audit*                   (c) Both (a)& (b)              (d) None of these

Q.29. Each Head Poost Office submits to the Circle Accounts Office a ............ Cash Account.(R.124)
Ans.  (a) Bi-monthly          (b) Annual                    (c) Triennial                     (d) Monthly*

Q.30. Departmental Receipts may be ordinarily realized in :                                                 (R.105)
Ans.  (a) Legal tender coins or Currency or bank notes*           (b) Cheques
         (c) Demand Drafts                                                             (d) Treasury Certificates

Q.31.Who is responsible for recovery of a payment disallowed by an Audit/Acoount Office ? (R.86)
Ans.  (a) Disbursing Officer* (b) Controlling Officer (c) Accounts Officer (d) None of these

Q.32. In which rule of P&T FHB Vol.I, the Standards of financial propriety are laid down?    (R.60)
Ans.   (a) Rule-60*             (b) Rule 65                    (c) Rule-53                      (d) Rule-67

Q.33. The Register of Retrenchments should be maintained in form:                    (Note-4 of R.390) 
Ans.  (a) ACG 60*              (b) ACG-65                   (c) ACG-663                    (d) ACG-67

Q.34. Payment of honorarium to persons not in Government service should be drawn on form:
Ans.  (a) ACG 17*               (b) ACG-67                   (c) ACG-20                      (d)none of these

Q.35. Under which category the expenditure incurred on liveries to Group-D (Now MTS) employees
         by an office fall :                                                                                     [R.333(v)]
Ans.  (a) Fully vouched contingency                          (b) Scale gegulated contingency*
         (c) Special contingency                                   (d) Countersigned contingency    

Q.36. What is the period of preservation of Cash Book  maintainedby DDOs? [Annexure-A(29)]
Ans.  (a) 10 years*                (b) 15 years                  (c) 20 years                       (d) 25 years

Q.37. What is the preservation period of records relating to contingent expenditure? (Appendix-5)
Ans.   (a) Three years or one year after completion of audit which ever is latter*
         (b) Three years              (c) Five years               (d) Ten years

Q.38. What is the preservation period of Register for maintaining particulars of accounts records
         destroyed?                                                                                              [Annexure-A(24)]
Ans. (a) 20 years                    (b) 25 years                  (c) 30 years                      (d) Permanent*

Q39. After how much time the descriptive particulars on the first page of Government servant's
        Service Book should be re-attested?
Ans.  (a) After every five years*                                (b) After every three years      
         (c) After every four years                                    (d) After every six years
Q.40. Service Book Senior Superintendent of Post Offices is maintained in:
Ans.  (a) Head Post Office        (b) Divisional Office       (c) DA(P) Office*           (d) RO/CO 

Financial Hand Book Vol.-I (Q.1-20)

Financial Hand Book Vol.-I
Q.1. Cost of Photograph to be affixed on the first page of of Service Book shall be borne by-(R.284,GID(2)
Ans. (a) The Government*                          (b) The Government servant himself 
        (c) Both the above in equal share            (d) The parents of the Government servant 

Q.2. In how many parts, the Audit Inspection Report are issued?                                      (R.97-A) 
Ans. (a) Three*              (b) Two                  (c) One                            (d) Four 

Q.3. Which colour ink should be used to make correction in Cash Book if any mistake is noticed before
        submission of month's account to proper authority?                                              (R.63&119)
Ans. (a) Red*                 (b) Blue                   (c) Black                          (d) Green 

Q.4.  Every voucher must bear a pay order and indicate mode of payment i.e. cash or cheque
        according to Rule no......... of P&T FHB-I Vol.I                                                          (R.45)
Ans. (a) 46                      (b) 48                      (c) 45 *                           (d) None of these

Q.5. Rounding off in case of Travelling Allowance bills shall be done in-                   [R.4,GID-(1)(b)]
Ans. (a) First stage           (b) Middle of the bills (c) Last stage*               (d) None of these

Q.6.  Claims for contingent expenditure up to Rs.500 may be disbursed out of-                     (R.342)
Ans.  (a) Disbursing Officer's personal money    (b) Contingent fund
        (c) Permanent Advance *                       (d) None of these

Q.7. Major head 1201 in the Revenue Receipt Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to-    (R.71)
Ans. (a) Other Interest Receipts  (b) Non Tax Revenue  (c) Postal Receipts* (d) None of these

Q.8. The Permanent Advance should not exceed ........... of the average monthly coningent
        expenditure calculated as per rules.                                                                        [R.343(1)]
Ans. (a) Quarter                (b) Half *                (c) Double                       (d) None  

Q.9.  Who will fix the Minimum Cash Balances of the First Class HPOs under his control?    (R.128)
Ans.  (a) Head of the Circle or SSPOs as the case may be*            (b) Sub Divisional Inspector
         (c) Postmaster Concerned                                                       (d) None of these

Q.10. Who issues Pay Order for payment of pension bill?                                                    (R.    )
Ans.  (a) Postmaster of the office of payment      (b) Divisional Head                                    
         (c) Accountant                                        (d) Treasurer

Q.11. The Establishments in each office are divided into .......                                             (R.272)
Ans.  (a) Parts                  (b) Departments          (c) Divisions                (d) Sections*    

Q.12. Charges against .............. or more major heads should not be included in one bill.        (R.     )
Ans.  (a) One                    (b) Two                     (c) Three                     (d) Four

Q.13. The bills should be prepared as per Rule........ of P&T FHB Vol.I                                (R.35)
Ans.  (a) 35*                     (b) 36                        (c) 27                          (d) None of these

Q.14. The major heads of account in the receipt's side of the accounts of Department of Posts is-
Ans.  (a) 1201* (R.71-74)   (b) 1202                     (c) 1225                      (d) 1226

Q.15. One of the major heads of account in the expenditure side of accounts of Department of Posts-
Ans.  (a) 3202                    (b) 3201* (R.71-74)    (c) 3225                       (d) 3226

Q.16. Date of birth should be declared as per .................                                                  (R.281)
Ans.  (a) Hindu Calendar      (b) Christian era*      (c) Muslim Calendar      (d) None of these

Q.17. Major head 0049 in the Revenue Receipts Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to- (R.71)
Ans.  (a) Non Tax Revenue  (b) Interest Receipts*(c) Postal Receipts         (d) Telecom Charges

Q.18. Major head 60 in the Revenue Receipts Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to-   (R.771)
Ans.  (a) Other interest receipts in Central Government*
         (b) Non Tax Revenue   (c) Postal Receipts       (d) Telecommunication charges

Q.19. Serious loss occuring in Rule 57 of P&T FHB Vol.I denotes loss exceeding -                 (R.57)
Ans.  (a) Rs.10000                (b) Rs.5000*               (c) Rs.100000             (d) Rs.None of these

Q.20. Who is responsible for upkeep andmaintenance of Cash Book during its currency and also for
         safe custody of used up Cash Books.                                                            [GID(2) R.119]  
Ans. (a) Controlling Officer    (b) Drawing Officer   (c) Disbursing Officer* (d) None of these