शुक्रवार, 21 दिसंबर 2012

Financial Hand Book Vol.-I (Q.1-20)

Financial Hand Book Vol.-I
Q.1. Cost of Photograph to be affixed on the first page of of Service Book shall be borne by-(R.284,GID(2)
Ans. (a) The Government*                          (b) The Government servant himself 
        (c) Both the above in equal share            (d) The parents of the Government servant 

Q.2. In how many parts, the Audit Inspection Report are issued?                                      (R.97-A) 
Ans. (a) Three*              (b) Two                  (c) One                            (d) Four 

Q.3. Which colour ink should be used to make correction in Cash Book if any mistake is noticed before
        submission of month's account to proper authority?                                              (R.63&119)
Ans. (a) Red*                 (b) Blue                   (c) Black                          (d) Green 

Q.4.  Every voucher must bear a pay order and indicate mode of payment i.e. cash or cheque
        according to Rule no......... of P&T FHB-I Vol.I                                                          (R.45)
Ans. (a) 46                      (b) 48                      (c) 45 *                           (d) None of these

Q.5. Rounding off in case of Travelling Allowance bills shall be done in-                   [R.4,GID-(1)(b)]
Ans. (a) First stage           (b) Middle of the bills (c) Last stage*               (d) None of these

Q.6.  Claims for contingent expenditure up to Rs.500 may be disbursed out of-                     (R.342)
Ans.  (a) Disbursing Officer's personal money    (b) Contingent fund
        (c) Permanent Advance *                       (d) None of these

Q.7. Major head 1201 in the Revenue Receipt Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to-    (R.71)
Ans. (a) Other Interest Receipts  (b) Non Tax Revenue  (c) Postal Receipts* (d) None of these

Q.8. The Permanent Advance should not exceed ........... of the average monthly coningent
        expenditure calculated as per rules.                                                                        [R.343(1)]
Ans. (a) Quarter                (b) Half *                (c) Double                       (d) None  

Q.9.  Who will fix the Minimum Cash Balances of the First Class HPOs under his control?    (R.128)
Ans.  (a) Head of the Circle or SSPOs as the case may be*            (b) Sub Divisional Inspector
         (c) Postmaster Concerned                                                       (d) None of these

Q.10. Who issues Pay Order for payment of pension bill?                                                    (R.    )
Ans.  (a) Postmaster of the office of payment      (b) Divisional Head                                    
         (c) Accountant                                        (d) Treasurer

Q.11. The Establishments in each office are divided into .......                                             (R.272)
Ans.  (a) Parts                  (b) Departments          (c) Divisions                (d) Sections*    

Q.12. Charges against .............. or more major heads should not be included in one bill.        (R.     )
Ans.  (a) One                    (b) Two                     (c) Three                     (d) Four

Q.13. The bills should be prepared as per Rule........ of P&T FHB Vol.I                                (R.35)
Ans.  (a) 35*                     (b) 36                        (c) 27                          (d) None of these

Q.14. The major heads of account in the receipt's side of the accounts of Department of Posts is-
Ans.  (a) 1201* (R.71-74)   (b) 1202                     (c) 1225                      (d) 1226

Q.15. One of the major heads of account in the expenditure side of accounts of Department of Posts-
Ans.  (a) 3202                    (b) 3201* (R.71-74)    (c) 3225                       (d) 3226

Q.16. Date of birth should be declared as per .................                                                  (R.281)
Ans.  (a) Hindu Calendar      (b) Christian era*      (c) Muslim Calendar      (d) None of these

Q.17. Major head 0049 in the Revenue Receipts Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to- (R.71)
Ans.  (a) Non Tax Revenue  (b) Interest Receipts*(c) Postal Receipts         (d) Telecom Charges

Q.18. Major head 60 in the Revenue Receipts Accounts of the Postal Department belongs to-   (R.771)
Ans.  (a) Other interest receipts in Central Government*
         (b) Non Tax Revenue   (c) Postal Receipts       (d) Telecommunication charges

Q.19. Serious loss occuring in Rule 57 of P&T FHB Vol.I denotes loss exceeding -                 (R.57)
Ans.  (a) Rs.10000                (b) Rs.5000*               (c) Rs.100000             (d) Rs.None of these

Q.20. Who is responsible for upkeep andmaintenance of Cash Book during its currency and also for
         safe custody of used up Cash Books.                                                            [GID(2) R.119]  
Ans. (a) Controlling Officer    (b) Drawing Officer   (c) Disbursing Officer* (d) None of these

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